If you want viaggiare , I will probably face the situation of other people in a private space, without the internet and with the need for guidance. This is where you enter the app Offline GPS for mobile devices. Queste app sono una solution Simple and convenient to browse without an Internet connection. In this article, we will explore the best offline GPS app for mobile devices and use it to plan your next adventure.
If I know a person who wants to explore new posts, I won't have access to an Internet connection to guide you, on the app Offline GPS I hope this is the perfect solution for you. Ask this app if you consent say scaricare le mappeand the indication that is important for us to use at home, I can use it only one connessione Internet when I know in viaggio.

Do you use the mobile GPS app offline?
The mobile app Offline GPS sleep program that can be installed on your smartphone without having a constant Internet connection per function. Use the GPS map and data to create scaricati, allowing you to navigate without an active Internet connection.
How does the GPS app work offline?
Le app Offline GPS It works using your smartphone's GPS to determine your position and movement. Use mappe and others date I'll sleep and be scared to show you yours position in relationship to the world that surrounds you. I ask you to allow di navigare anche in zone provided for internet connection.
Can I use a GPS app offline anywhere in the world?
YES! The greatest part of the app Offline GPS you consent to scaricare mappe and indications for successive use in qualsiasi part del world.
Is it necessary to pay for scaricare or use an offline GPS app?
Alcune app Offline GPS sleep free , while also receiving an acquisto or una quota de abonamento per sbloccare funzionalità aggiuntive.
Can I create a personalized route in an offline GPS app?
YES! The main part of the offline GPS app allows you to create percorsi and personalizzati waypoint.
What is the best offline GPS app for mobile devices?
Esistono molte offline GPS app available for I call cell phones , but the appellation of the most popular inclusion, spieghiamo le loro caratteristiche e advantage.
• Maps.me
• OsmAnd
• Sygic GPS Navigation
• Google Maps (with offline map download)
• Maps.me
Maps.me is one of the most popular offline GPS apps available on Android and iOS. Offre mappe dettagliate almost everywhere in the world and consent to scaricare mappe for offline use. The app is free and easy to use, with functions like vocal navigation and detailed guidance.
View all the information on your journey, show many attractions locally, restaurants and monuments. Maps.me allows you to create personalized routes and waypoints.
OsmAnd is a popular free and open source offline GPS app available for Android and iOS with free maps and detailed functions such as vocal navigation and detailed indications. Include additional funzionalità avanzate like cycling and pedestrian travel. The app is free, but you can use advanced functionality to acquire it in-app.
You consent to scaricare mappe de qualsiasi part of the world and free vocal navigation, 3D visualization and information at your point of interest. OsmAnd also supports the creation of rotte and personalized waypoint.
Eccoci qui
HERE WeGo is a free offline GPS app from HERE Technologies, which is also part of the company's Bing and Yahoo maps. The app can be used without an Internet connection. Include additional information on public transport and route planning in car, on bicycle or on foot. The app is free for personal and commercial use.
The app shows step-by-step instructions and information on public transport in over 1300 cities in every world. HERE We go there is an additional function of travel planning, which gives you a scegliere on the migliore route and the medium of long-distance transportation.
Sygic GPS Navigation
Sygic GPS Navigation is an offline GPS application that provides detailed maps for use in more than 200 countries. Include functions such as vocal navigation and dettagliate indication, including avvisi southern traffic and autovelox support. The app is free for personal use.
Free vocal navigation, 3D visualization, auto-speed navigation and real-time traffic information. Sygic is available for Android and iOS and offers in-app acquisition options for advanced functionality.
Google Maps
Google Maps is one of the most popular GPS app worldwide and offers many options for offline use. You consent to scaricare mappe e indicazioni for a successive use, but alcune funzionalità potrebbero essere limited without an Internet connection. Google Maps is available for Android and iOS and works freely with vocal navigation, real-time traffic information and satellite imaging.