Do you think you might be pregnant? So you need to make a online pregnancy test to get more clues.
In fact, although this is not a definitive test, it can help you be more certain or completely rule out a pregnancy. Therefore, it is very useful to do so.
Therefore, to help you understand more about the online pregnancy test, we prepared today's article on the subject. Want to know more? So follow along now!
Online pregnancy test: do you have these symptoms?
Below, we have prepared a list of pregnancy symptoms. If you have at least 2 of them, you should see a doctor right now to find out if you are really pregnant.
Light bleeding
A study shows that up to 25% of pregnant women experience light bleeding, the color of which is lighter than that of normal menstrual blood. This usually occurs at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg (approximately 6 to 12 days after conception), but is common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Sensitive or swollen breasts
Women may notice this symptom even 1 or 2 weeks after conception. Hormonal changes can cause pain or tingling sensations in the breasts.
Many women feel more tired at the beginning of pregnancy, as their bodies are producing greater amounts of a hormone called progesterone, which helps maintain the pregnancy and promotes the growth of the glands that produce milk in the breasts.
Additionally, during pregnancy, the body pumps more blood to deliver nutrients to the fetus. Pregnant women may feel tired even 1 week after conception.
The sudden surge in hormones can cause headaches in early pregnancy.
Nausea and/or vomiting
This symptom can begin any time between 2 and 8 weeks after conception and can continue throughout the pregnancy. Although it is often called “morning nausea,” it can actually occur at any time of the day.
Food cravings or aversions
Having a sudden craving or suddenly feeling rejected by previously favorite foods is common throughout pregnancy. A desire or aversion to a food may last throughout pregnancy or change during this period.

When should I take a pregnancy test?
A pregnancy test is usually a simple urine test that can show if you are pregnant. It is recommended that the test be done after the first day of missed menstruation or a few weeks after sex.
However, a pregnancy test is only an indication, not a confirmation, of pregnancy. If your pregnancy test result is positive (meaning you are pregnant), or if you have trouble reading your pregnancy test results, you should have an ultrasound. Only an ultrasound can confirm that you are pregnant.
When taking a pregnancy test, be sure to read the instructions carefully. On most tests, even a one-line indication is an indication of pregnancy.
Did you like to know more about the online pregnancy test? So be sure to follow the other articles on the blog, we have lots of other news for you!